Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Say Yes!

Wow... So I went home this weekend, to see my husband, to see my friends but mostly to support my kids in the Youth Ministry. This is the weekend of the youth participation for Pastor's Anniversary. I am SO happy that I pressed on to go home, despite several obstacles (AMEX issues, work issues, etc). My kids, who are SO insightful and anointed, danced to Shekinah Glory "Yes". Its not so much that they danced to the song, but they put together, on their own this whole skit which was just so powerful that it left us all speechless and had us all questioning things that we had not said yes to, things that God has asked us to do that we've put off until the time is right, how we treat others who don't "fit the mold", how we are being called higher and sometimes settle for just getting by, how God's time is not the same as our time and how most times we "rush" a process when God has clearly told us to wait. The moving part of this dance/skit was that they had kids depicting this whole church scene, complete with choir, pastor, deacons and deaconess but they also had the people who we sometimes get annoyed with in church because they're loud, rude, talk at the "wrong time" (what is that anyway!) or just don't look like us. But as the skit went on, these were the people who said "yes" to God's will and answered the call. WHOA!!!

So in honor of my kids at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Albany, NY (who I love dearly and miss more and more), I'm going to say Yes to a few things that God has called me to.
  1. forgiveness
  2. ridding myself of pridefulness, boasting, insecurity
  3. distrust of God to take care of me financially and believing that I have to do it all my own
  4. pressing forward regardless of who/what I have to leave behind
  5. believing that God is who he says he is and that I am who God says I am
  6. few other secret things that I'm not ready to make public at this point!