Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Turning 40 in exactly 17 days!

Turning 40!
There are some things about turning 40 that are bothering me:
  1. not having a home
  2. not having a child
  3. still feel like I'm not doing the work I want to do
There are some things about turning 40 that are not bothering me:
  1. I still look good (atleast I think so, whoever disagrees, too bad so sad)
  2. Working on getting my weight under control
  3. Making major moves in terms of living somewhere that I'm happy with
I think most of all if I'm honest, what's bothering me is the fact that me turning 40 doesn't seem like a big deal to anyone but me! I don't know what I expect: a parade, jugglers, a trip around the world, WHO KNOWS!! But when I mention it to folks (mostly my family) "OMG, I'm going to be 40 in ____ days". Its sorta met with "ok".

My cousin (who is also turning 40 this year) is making this scrapbook of all the people in her life who have had an impact. While I though about doing something like this, I DON'T SCRAP and this is way to monumental an occassion to jack up.

Maybe I'll just sleep my 40th birthday away so that if it doesn't meet my expectations (which I'm not sure what they are at this point) I won't be disappointed. Maybe I should work on defining my expectations and verbalizing them so if they're not met, its not because I didn't say what I wanted. Is that part of turning 40, saying what you want and expecting it???


Derrick's Sister said...

So what are you expecting?

As for me I think I've totally excepted that this will be JUST like every other birthday I've had over the last 5 years... and let me tell you they were WAY short of spectacular

But who knows I get surprised... which ofcourse would cause my old fat tale to have a heart


bronxgrl1 said...


One day its this, next day its that. One day I want a celebration, next day I want people to go away. One day I want to celebrate turning 40, next day I want to cry about what I don't have (yeah, yeah, working on that!).

Maybe it was a wrong time to write a blog, PMSing and all!!

Derrick's Sister said...

You are so out of control!!! LOL Well Im all in for you NOT crying about turning 40... I say its a reason to celebrate (yes I am trying to convince myself here too). For sure it beats the alternative and we could always just start lying about our age...easliy we could pull off 35..hell Im willing to risk 32 on a good day. I knew we should have done like our mothers and get stuck on 32 for a few years then stuck again on 35 and 37....but no we had to be all empowered and crap!! Now look at us....turning 40!! So what do you say 35 or 32... we have to choose together that way if we both have the same lie NO ONE will even THINK about challenging us on it? You pick I can handle either....though I'm partial to 32!!