Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Its Been a CRAZY two years...

So the other day, my dear friend T sent me an email letting me know that i haven't blogged in two years. Its not that I didn't know, its just that so many things have happened in the past two years that every time I sat down to write something, I got frustrated and gave up. So tonight I decided to do it as a list instead, this way I don't have to put too much thought into it.

  1. On my last post I stated that I was having surgery to remove a fibroid. What was supposed to be outpatient surgery, resulted in 2 nights in the hospital and 6 weeks out of work.
  2. On my second day home from the hospital, I receive a call from my manager informing me that my office was closing and that my job would be spared if I relocated to Chicago.
  3. My mother's battle with cancer has ended, she passed away on 4/2/10. I am NOT ready to go into my feelings about this.
  4. Cory and I have seperated.
  5. Even though ALL of these things above may sound terrible (and they are), GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL and through ALL of these things, the I have learned to trust Him more.
I promise to try to do better with blogging, lord knows I have much to rant about.

1 comment:

Tanika said...

:0) thanks for the update! Welcome back to the blog've been missed