Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I couldn't come up with a title for this post since it's not about any one topic in particular but about things that are going on in my heart/head right now so random is the best choice....
Let's see, what's gone on since my last post? Let's see:
  1. I went on my first "post Cory" date. Really not a big deal, lunch in Atlanta with a guy I met in NYC who's from NYC but lives in Ga now. Several days after the date I realized that I really didn't like him but he REALLY liked me which is a whole blog unto itself. Let's just say he's in the friendship bucket and although he may not like it, that's where he'll be.
  2. I realized the issues between me and my sisters are deeper than I thought when sister #3 came to visit sister #2 who lives less that 130 miles away and NO ONE CALLED ME! Yes I was hurt, and mad that I was hurt.
  3. Things with Cory and I went from bad to worse to ok to worse to bad to horrific to ok. Yeah all that in the span of the summer. Love him to pieces, HATE the stuff he does.
  4. I have a hole in my heart about something that I should have known better about but I didn't. Not ready to write about this just yet but UGH....
  5. Mommy's bday is coming and I have NO safety plan.
  6. Started a new job, WHOOP WHOOP! I guess I should blog about not being at the old job!
  7. I had a great summer. Met some cool people and some not so cool people. See item #4.
  8. I got a new puppy that Pickles LOVES. It's a beagle and I don't know what I was thinking. But to see the happiness come back to Pickles as they romp all day and night (and I do mean all day and night) makes me happy. He's being a good big brother.

So I really have 9 things I could blog about and I will. Just wanted to give a quick update before the blog police ding me for being slack.

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